Who is Alvin?
Alvin has been manufacturing tools for drawing & drafting since 1950. They have been the choice of draftsmen, architects, industrial designers, technical artists, professors, and professionals. Once upon a time, everything that was made started its life on a piece of paper, from the Ford Mustang to the Lunar Module. On many of those work desks and drafting tables that built America, were Alvin tools.
Below are examples of work that I had a hand in creating during my time at Alvin Drafting.
As a part of their design team, I was tasked with creating numerous design ideas for their catalog covers, which would then be carried throughout the entire catalog. Below are examples of catalog covers that were created by me and used for three different catalogs Alvin produces. Their Spring Sale, their clearance catalog which is a new piece for them, and their Back to School Catalog for 2017. Each design went through numerous iterations and resulted in these final results. I also had a hand in creating sale sheets, internal graphics, email assets, email blasts, packaging standards, and packaging guidelines. Read the updated packaging standards here.
Since 1950
The new Alvin packaging. After an extensive redesign process, this is what the team I was a part of created. The packaging can be found on shelves and on their online shop.